That “perfectly happy pregnancy” we all hear about…
That’s usually how we see it on social media anyway.
And that’s probably how people assume it is for you, telling you that the baby growing inside of you is a “miracle” and that “you are so lucky.”
It’s hard to understand how people could be so happy and hardly gain any weight when you are grossed out with your own body.
The birth was not what you had planned at all. You find yourself longing for how it could have gone and are having a hard time finding your new normal because of it.
Being a mother to an infant for the first time is exhausting, and you feel like you are losing your mind. You have more anxiety than you ever have had. You tirelessly worry that something you do is going to be wrong and fear the worst will happen.
Faking a smile…
Sometimes that’s easier than showing the world what you are feeling on the inside.
The struggle with all these changes is real.
The new body growing inside of you is taking your nutrients and your energy. It can feel as though your body is no longer yours, things are happening to it without your control, like unintended gas. It no longer moves or looks like it used to; you’ve even had to change your entire wardrobe into clothes that don’t quite feel right.
Dramatic changes to your social life have probably already happened… and the baby is not even here yet! Your relaxing getaway that you planned with your partner has now been postponed – you worry it might actually never happen.
It seems like all your favorite things are now on the list of what you must avoid…
No more having wine with friends… no more of your favorite foods, like sushi.
Even your exercise routine has now changed dramatically.
You prided yourself in doing well at your job, and now it’s hard for you to focus and get things done.
You cannot stand your partner most of the time, and your sex life is almost nonexistent at this point.
Prior to having the baby, you and your partner got along well. But now the baby is an actual being that is requiring so much from both of you.
You are constantly fighting.
Maybe it’s the lack of sleep, the significant changes to your social life, and the different perspectives on raising a child which are now louder than ever.
I know you’re eager to feel good and excited.
You want to love and experience gratitude for your changing body instead of hating it.
You are longing to feel supported by your partner and want both of you to desire each other.
You recognize that your life will forever be changed; however, you want to find new ways to connect with your friends, to still do well at your job, to find different ways to enjoy the relief that you experienced prior to the baby.
You want to feel at ease with changes and have room to experience the positivity that your new normal can bring.
You want to have an established fair routine set up with your partner, where you feel that both are doing your best and are being fair to each other.
You want to feel relaxed and let go of the constant fear that something bad will happen to your baby.
You want to be confident and feel at ease knowing that you are doing the best you can and that what are you doing is enough.
As we go through therapy together…
Through my humanistic approach, you will encounter another being that sees you. Another person that understands your experience and withholds judgment.
Experience a safe space to be authentically yourself. For the first time, you will get to say whatever is on your mind – things you never felt safe enough to say out loud. This will help you identify and make sense of your new world. You will no longer need to fake a smile.
You’ll feel relief as you interact with someone who truly understands the difficulties you are having with this pregnancy. You’ll no longer feel alone but supported. This helps you do the deep emotional work.
Voicing and processing your sadness, fears, anxieties surrounding your new baby will help to reduce the power these feelings have over you, helping you to become more present and able to enjoy your new life.
You’ll receive acceptance and validation regarding your fears, worries, guilt, sadness which will help you gain an understanding of your feelings and help you connect to your changing self.
Finally, you’ll acquire a new toolbox full of healthy coping skills, like breathing and grounding exercises by practicing them together in sessions. These tools help you become the best version of yourself – one who acknowledges the difficult feelings experienced, one who has made sense of their difficult feelings, one who has learned to accept the parts of their life that have forever been changed, and will feel more ready to take on the new role as a mother.
Your journey to owning motherhood starts today.
My years of training and experience with mental health, pregnancy, and early childhood development give me a uniquely effective skill set – one that I’m excited to share with new moms.
Do not go through this alone. Know that asking for help and realizing that you could be better is the best gift you can give your future baby. Give yourself permission to put your needs first.
Call today and let’s get started with your free consultation: (213) 915-6372