Do your relationships feel hollow…
…as though something is always missing and just not right?
Maybe you have “people in your life”: friends, family, and coworkers… and you spend time with them.
But sometimes they’re unfulfilling… and you feel you need more to “feel whole” in your relationships.
It often feels like your relationships are one sided. You’re always there for them and doing things for them. Yet hardly ever do you feel your efforts are rewarded, noticed, or returned. It’s confusing.
Are you mad at yourself…
…like… constantly?
Maybe you feel as though you’re always living in a state of regret, feeling angry, sad, frustrated, and hopeless. You’ve felt this way for some time now and don’t have a way to release these feelings, as you don’t want to burden others.
Logically, you know there are better ways to respond – yet you find yourself stuck in the same pattern over and over.
A friend makes a comment that is hurtful. Instead of standing up for yourself, you laugh and act as if it wasn’t hurtful. But deep inside, you have a knot in your throat – and later regret not standing up for yourself.
An opportunity for public speaking comes up. Part of you wants to put yourself out there. Instead you stay silent and do not take on that opportunity. Then later, you are mad at yourself for not.
Do you act without thinking…
…way too often?
Some of your responses are so automatic that it isn’t until after that you realize you acted in ways that you really don’t want to act anymore.
You begin having intimate feelings for another individual. Things are starting out pretty good, but then they can’t hang out with you one weekend. They don’t answer your multiple texts; you call them, and they still don’t answer. At this point, you can’t help but think the same thing is happening again – they have lost interest.
You are asking yourself, “What did I do wrong? What is my problem? Why can’t anyone love me?”
Are you constantly comparing…
…yourself to others?
For as long as you can remember, it seemed most people around you, your friends, coworkers, or siblings have it better than you do.
“Are they better looking, smarter, and more confident than me?”
“Did they have a more healthy, loving, and stable upbringing than me?”
These thoughts make you feel isolated, like an outsider, like you don’t belong, and like life is better for everyone else.
You feel anger and sadness, because so many of these things have been out of your control. Given your difficult childhood experience, you feel shame, embarrassed, and really don’t want anyone to find out; if they do, then what will they think of you?
That inner voice is telling you it’s time…
It’s time to get better and start healing.
Sure, it’s easier to avoid than confront, but it’s time…
I know it kind of feels impossible right now, but it’s time…
Let’s face it: If things aren’t working, it’s time to act on that glimmer of hope inside you!
We’ll approach your healing through the lens…
… of the relationships in your life.
Through my humanistic approach, the relationship is of the utmost importance – and this is what helps your therapy be so transformational.
The therapeutic relationship serves as a parallel process for the other relationships in your life. Through having a strong therapeutic relationship, you can heal from pain that has been caused in the context of another close relationship. It helps you learn that authenticity in a relationship is possible. You learn that you can trust another being, helping you no longer feel so alone.
The benefit of having a therapeutic model that focuses on the relationship is that the interventions will be tailored specifically to you. Therapeutic interventions are pointless if the relationship is not strong and if they are not tailored to your specific needs.
By improving the relationship with yourself, you are better equipped for relationships with others.
Individual therapy can help you achieve a more fulfilling life.
Through our collaboration and you having a space in which you share things out loud with another person versus alone in your head, you get to process things from your past which helps you in reshaping your current experience.
Through experiencing a safe environment, processing past experiences, feeling understood and validated, you’ll have the opportunity to piece yourself back together in a more cohesive, fulfilling way.
Through my reframes and strength-based approach, you’ll understand your behavior with compassion.
By helping you shift negative thoughts about yourself like “I am unworthy of love” into positive thoughts like “I am worthy of love,” your self-esteem is transformed.
Through guiding you to notice your feelings and body responses, you can have agency over how you engage with others and with yourself – which helps you feel more at ease and in control.
By identifying patterns within yourself, you gain insight while the distress associated with confusion and lack of awareness is alleviated.
Throughout this process by improving your self-esteem, gaining insight, and acquiring agency over your emotions, you also attain skills like setting boundaries and achieving an overall improved mood.
Safety in a warm, inviting, relaxing space…
That’s what you get from the moment you enter my office. This helps your senses feel at ease and ready to do some deep work.
Through my non-judgmental demeanor, some humor, and my easy-going personality, you’ll feel safe to be yourself and trust the process of therapy.
Because the relationship feels so safe, you can explore your thought and behavioral patterns deeply. You’ll learn from where your negative thoughts originate. You can gain insights that help you reshape your view of yourself and make more fulfilling choices.
It’s time to start your healing journey.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight inside of the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” –Anais Nin
It’s time to break through old patterns that have been holding you back from reaching your full potential.
It is scary to reach out to someone you don’t know, scary to start a new process, and so uncomfortable to put so much focus on your own emotional needs – I get it. Don’t go through this alone any longer. You matter!
Let me answer your questions and see if the fit is right for you. Call me today for your free 20-minute consultation: (213) 915-6372